Inverse InvestAnswers

Choose your information sources wisely.

John Reel
4 min readNov 24, 2022
Photo by Zephir Brush on Unsplash

There are endless financial YouTube channels. They all claim not to give financial advice prior to or directly after giving financial advice.

Some channels are worth listening to, while others are dangerous. The channel that negatively impacted my portfolio the most over the last year was InvestAnswers.

The host of the show claims to be just sharing numbers, but his opinion is woven into every number he shares. He drops comments about stocks, cryptos, and the market that can’t not be taken as financial advice.

I learned from a young age that the people you listen to will impact how you live your life. Naturally, the people you listen to about finance are going to influence your financial decisions — duh! I do my own research and try to seek out different opinions. With InvestAnswers putting out a video every day, the opinions of the channel crowded out the more rational voices.

I watched my assets dwindle over the past year, as many did, but I wonder if they would have dwindled a little slower if I never found this bloody channel. InvestAnswers has called the crypto bottom and has been ‘going in hard’ throughout the entire year while cooler heads have been saying cash is king.



John Reel

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