My Inbox Is Full With Messages From Recruiters — A How to Guide

Climate jobs are calling, and they pay serious doe

John Reel
4 min readNov 15, 2022
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Recently I wrote an article about how I was laid off with hundreds of colleagues during the current wave of tech RIFs (reduction in force).

Getting laid off isn’t all bad. It can be a paid break. It can be an opportunity to level up. Not to mention you can land yourself in a better position than the sinking ship you were just chucked out of.

It can be an opportunity to join a company with a better future outlook.

No matter the economic climate, there are opportunities and there is one area I can confidently tell you will expand for many years to come.

Solving climate change is going to take monumental investments. Some reports estimate it will cost up to a trillion dollars annually across the globe to combat global warming successfully. We can be confident that some portion of that estimate will be realized as the alternative is death and destruction.

That trillion in spending brings a lot of opportunity across all industries. Climate jobs are the next wave of digital jobs. As it was once coveted to get someone adept with a computer, those with a sense of sustainability are now being sought after.



John Reel

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